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1967年,创办人曁董事长傅一德先生于桃园市大同路 62 号创立「台湾衡器工厂」,从事生产传统机械式衡器产品,如自动秤、台秤、体重计等。

In 1967, Founder Mr. Fu Yide, Chairman ofthe Board, founded "Taiwan Weighing Apparatus Factory" at No. 62 Datong Road,Taoyuan City to produce traditional mechanical weigher products such as automaticscales, scales and scales.

1978年,于桃园县中坜工业区合圳南路 9 号建厂,成立「力固工业股份有限公司」,专业制造地磅、槽秤等工业用磅秤。

In 1978, it set up a plant in No.9 SouthHezhong Road, Zhongli Industrial Park, Taoyuan County,and set up "Li-Gu weighing Industry Co., Ltd.", which specializes inmanufacturing industrial scales such as floor scales and slot scales.


In 1979, successfully developed andmanufactured the first mechanical truck scale.

1987 年,因应产业转型及升级的需要,公司扩建为三层工业厂房,并扩充电子、电机、自动控制、电脑人才及设备,使设计、制造、安装、测试及服务等流程得以一贯作业,以确保产品及服务的品质。

In 1987, in response to the needs ofindustrial restructuring and upgrading, the company expanded into athree-storey industrial plant and expanded the fields of design, manufacturing,installation, testing and service through electronic, electrical, automaticcontrol, computer personnel and equipment To ensure the quality of products andservices.

1994年,为提升产能及技术层次,增购中坜工业区合圳南路 7-1 号厂房和办公大楼,与原有厂房合并规划成为一个完整性的厂区。

In 1994, in order to enhance the productioncapacity and technical level, it was planned to purchase a plant and officebuilding No. 7-1, South Hezhong Road, Chungli Industrial Zone, to be merged withthe original plant into an integrated plant.


1998 年,荣获荷兰DND ISO 9002国际品质认证,成为业界率先通过质量体系认证的企业之一。

In 1998, it won the international qualitycertification of DND ISO 9002 in the Netherlands and became one of thefirst in the industry to pass the quality system certification.

2001年,通过英国 UKAS ISO 9001 2000 年版的品质认证,同年年底董事长率公司主管赴广东、福建、上海、苏州等地考察投资环境。

In 2001, the company passed UKAS ISO 90012000 edition quality certification. At the end of the same year, the chairmanof the board led the company executives to go to Guangdong,Fujian, Shanghaiand Suzhou toinspect the investment environment.

2002年,为服务中国大陆广大台商客户的需求,于江苏省昆山高科技工业园萧林路 802 号设立昆山力固机电工业有限公司,做为业务与服务的一个据点。

In2002, in order to serve the needs of a large number of Taiwanese businesspeoplein mainland China, Kunshan Solidpower Electromechanical Industry Co., Ltd. wasestablished at 802 Xiaolin Road, Kunshan High-tech Industrial Park, JiangsuProvince as a base for business and service.

2004年,为满足业务迅速扩展,以及制造上的各种需求,设厂于江苏省昆山市民营科技工业园民友路 188 号,针对灌装秤、包装秤、检重秤及配料系统等重点产品全力进行扩展及研发。

In 2004, in order to meet the rapidexpansion of business and manufacturing needs, we set up a factory in No. 188 Minyou Road,Private TechnologyIndustrial Park, Kunshan City, JiangsuProvince, focusing on filling scales, packing scales, checkweighers andbatching systems Products fully expand and research and development.


In 2006, the company passed the assessmentof production conditions and obtained manufacturing license. It became thefirst qualified manufacturer in Greater Suzhou in Jiangsu Provinceto provide better service to the needs of Chinese customers.


In 2008, due to the large market demand, weexpanded our plant to buy and sell 100 Fuxin Road, Zhengyi, Kunshan, JiangsuProvince, specializing in the production of weighing system equipment to meetthe needs of our customers.

2010 年,公司把产品定位在“品牌化、系统化、标准化”,立足高质、高附加值的称重产品,并在上海、安徽、河北、浙江、山东、广西、湖南、江西、福建设立了经销服务点,为客户提供优质化的产品质量及专业化的品质服务。

In 2010, the company positioned itsproducts as "branded, systematic and standardized" based on highquality and high value-added weighing products and set up in Shanghai, Anhui,Hebei, Zhejiang, Shandong, Guangxi, Hunan, Jiangxi and Fujian The distributionservice points for our customers to provide quality products and professionalquality of service.

2012 年,公司获得高新技术企业认证,为业界率先取得该项认证的企业,至此公司全面发展全自动无人化配料/灌装/包装生产线。

In 2012, the company was certified as ahigh-tech enterprise and was the first company in the industry to achieve thiscertification. As a result, the company has fully developed a fully automaticunmanned ingredient / filling / packaging production line.


In 2013, Kunshan Jincheng MachineryManufacturing Co., Ltd. was established in Kunshan through a joint venture withTaiwan'sBaorui Co., Ltd. to manufacture and sell powder and granule automatic conveyingand measuring equipment.


In 2014, we established a part of LiqiangSouth in the purchase of land in Tainan, Taiwan, aimingto provide better products and services to southern customers.


In 2016, we established "ZhonghengCo., Ltd." in Taoyuan, Taiwan, specializing in weighing system productsand expanding its market in Taiwan.


In 2017, the Company obtained a number ofindustrial weighing equipment patents, positioning its development direction asa "the leader of weighing technology", strengthening its productquality and service functions, truly reflecting the service concept of the  spirit of "Strong foundation" and"honesty and trustworthiness".

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